The Difference Between Anti-Wrinkle Injections And Fillers

Anti-Wrinkle Injections And Fillers

The ageing process in the human body is natural. The skin, however, shows the effects of ageing the most. Skin loses volume and elasticity with age, giving the face an aged appearance. Age spots, sagging skin, a dull complexion, fine lines, and wrinkles are more noticeable signs of ageing.

While there are many anti-ageing options today, anti-wrinkle injections and fillers continue to be popular choices for many. These are both minimally invasive injectable procedures with no recovery time. People frequently assume that they are different terms because of their similarities. Nevertheless, it is invalid!

Although fillers and anti-wrinkle injections may look similar, they are both used to treat distinct ageing issues. Let’s examine this in more detail.

Anti-wrinkle injection

The protein used in this injection is purified and comes from living things. By momentarily relaxing the facial muscles that contribute to fine lines and wrinkles, it aids in wrinkle reduction. It prevents nerves from sending chemical signals that cause muscles to contract. It is possible to lessen or soften wrinkles without using special powers. Results are almost immediately apparent. It is one of the most widely used nonsurgical cosmetic treatments for anti-ageing because of this. Additional details about this injection are as follows:

The dosage of an anti-wrinkle injection varies depending on the treatment’s goal. Twenty units make up the usual dosage.

• Anti-wrinkle injection results last for about three to four months.

• To keep results, touch-up sessions are necessary.

The treatment of choice for wrinkles in the upper face, such as forehead lines, frown lines, crow’s feet, etc., is highly effective. One can see noticeable results within a week of treatment.

The skin is numbed during this procedure using a numbing cream to reduce discomfort. Today, many injections come with an anesthetic, eliminating the need for various numbing creams. Instead, a thin needle injects the necessary dosage beneath the skin. Depending on how severe the wrinkles are, a different person may require a different number of injections.

Do you need an anti-ageing procedure in Roorkee? Under the direction of skin specialist Dr Hera Tabassum, anti-wrinkle injection therapy is successfully administered at her dermatology clinic.

If the patient is expecting, has weak facial muscles, other skin problems, or has any neuromuscular disease, the anti-wrinkle injection is not advised.


Dermal fillers and soft tissue fillers are other names for fillers. The main goal of this treatment is to give the face back its volume and fullness. These are thus frequently used to fill in under eye or temporal hollowness, sag cheeks that fold over the mouth and plump up the lips. Additionally, it promotes natural collagen synthesis and stops the skin from sagging further. Following their typical two-year or longer lifespan, touch-up sessions are required. The most widely used dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid.

Our bodies naturally produce hyaluronic acid as well, and it serves to hydrate and volumize the skin. However, as people age, their natural production begins to decline. Dermal fillers can restore the affected areas’ volume, elasticity, and hydration. That is why Dr Hera Tabassum’s Dermatology Clinic in Roorkee prefers to use hyaluronic acid fillers for filler treatments.

There is no recovery time needed for this cosmetic procedure. After a few hours have passed and the redness has subsided, one can see tangible results.

To address wrinkles and volume loss simultaneously, anti-wrinkle injections and fillers are frequently used in combination. Although they complement one another, these treatments cannot be used in place of one another. Dr Hera Tabassum has much experience using minimally invasive cosmetic procedures to address anti-ageing issues.

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