Best Eczema Treatment in Roorkee

Get the best eczema treatment in Roorkee

Eczema Treatment in Roorkee: Eczema is a problematic skin condition that requires specific treatment based on the patient’s skin type. We provide Roorkee’s most advanced medical methods at Dr Hera’s Skin & Hair Clinic for treating severe eczema ( Roorkee). To treat eczema, we employ phototherapy most practically. This advanced treatment aids in keeping the skin moisturised and free of allergens and irritants that are the primary triggers of eczema flare-ups.

The type and severity of eczema affect our treatments differently. We also offer efficient over-the-counter (OTC) medications, topical and oral medications, and moisturizing products that help control your eczema and its symptoms based on the causes. Please help your child learn how to treat eczema quickly by teaching them about the centre’s expert skin specialist, who also offers eczema treatment for infants.

What is eczema?

Eczema is a term used frequently to describe various skin allergies or inflammation types. Although there are numerous types of eczema, atopic dermatitis is the most prevalent. However, anyone can develop eczema, regardless of age. In addition, the condition is frequently linked to people with a family history or other allergic diseases like hay fever or asthma. Dr Hera’s Skin & Hair Clinic’s skin specialists are skilled in treating all forms of eczema and ensuring that the patient receives undivided attention.

Eczema Treatment in Roorkee
Eczema Treatment in Roorkee

What are the different types of eczema?

One of the most prevalent types of eczema is called atopic dermatitis. In addition, specific types of eczema that resemble atopic dermatitis in terms of symptoms are referred to by various names. Here are some examples:

Atopic dermatitis

Infants are the most common age group for atopic dermatitis, which causes itchy, reddened skin. The condition changes over time depending on the exposure to the causative factors. For instance, pollen, contact irritants like soaps, detergents, perfumes, or food allergies, may be to blame. People who have it frequently have a family history of other allergic diseases like asthma or hay fever. It runs in families.

Contact eczema

When a general irritant, such as a cleaning product, acid, or other chemicals, comes into contact with the skin, it can cause a localised reaction called contact eczema, which results in itching, redness, and a burning sensation. If an allergen is a motivating factor, it is sometimes referred to as allergic contact eczema. If an irritant is, it is referred to as irritant contact eczema (irritant contact dermatitis). A higher risk of contact eczema exists in those with a history of allergies.

Seborrheic eczema

Seborrheic eczema is a type of skin inflammation for which no known cause exists. Yellowish, oily, and scaly patches of skin on the scalp, face, and other body parts are some of the symptoms. This illness typically runs in families. Seborrheic eczema is also more likely to develop in people who experience sudden weather changes, oily skin, emotional stress, and infrequent shampooing.

Nummular eczema

Nummular eczema is characterised by irritated skin in round patches. Typically, it appears on the lower legs, buttocks, back, and arms. They may be crusted, scaled, or highly itchy. The majority of people who develop this type of eczema are older adults. It is a chronic condition, though, and there is a higher risk of developing it if there is a family history of allergies, asthma, or dermatitis.


A chronic skin inflammation called neurodermatitis starts as localised itching from an insect bite and worsens when scratched. The condition typically affects people between the ages of 20 and 50 and is more prevalent in women than men.

What is the eczema treatment in Roorkee?

The primary goal of treating eczema is to prevent inflammation, itching, and the condition from worsening while considering the patient’s age, general health status, severity, and type.

Following lifestyle and medication changes are necessary for eczema treatment in Roorkee:

Use creams and ointments to keep the skin moisturised.

Do not overbathe.

After a five-minute lukewarm bath, immediately apply petrolatum-based creams to the body to lock in moisture while the skin is still wet.

Avoid drastic temperature changes and abstain from sweat-inducing activities.

Topical medications, classified as calcineurin inhibitors, are only advised for use in patients older than two years old.

These medications should only be used as second-line therapy in situations where other treatments have failed to work. In addition, they should only be used for the shortest time required to control symptoms. One of the top dermatologists in Roorkee, trained at prestigious institutions, practises at Dr Hera’s Skin & Hair Clinic and provides excellent care for all types of eczema.

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