Simple Tips to Detect Excessive Hair Fall

Hair fall is a common concern for many people. While it is normal to lose a few strands of hair daily, excessive hair fall can be alarming and may indicate an underlying issue. Detecting excessive hair fall early can help you address the problem more effectively. Here are some simple tips to help you identify if you’re losing more hair than usual.

Tips to Detect Excessive Hair Fall

1. Monitor Your Hairbrush

One of the easiest ways to detect excessive hair fall is by checking your hairbrush or comb. If you notice a significant increase in the amount of hair left behind after brushing, it could be a sign of excessive shedding.

2. Check Your Pillowcase

Look at your pillowcase when you wake up in the morning. Finding a few strands is normal, but if you notice a substantial amount of hair, it might be time to investigate further.

3. Observe Your Shower Drain

Pay attention to the amount of hair in your shower drain. While some hair loss is expected during washing, an unusually large clump of hair could indicate a problem.

4. Perform the Pull Test

Gently tug a small section of your hair. If more than 10% of the strands come out, this could be a sign of excessive hair fall.

5. Notice Thinning Areas

Check for thinning spots, particularly around the temples, crown, and parting line. Thinning or bald patches are clear indicators of significant hair loss.

6. Evaluate Your Scalp Health

A healthy scalp is crucial for maintaining hair growth. If you notice redness, itching, or scaling, these could be signs of an unhealthy scalp, potentially leading to hair loss.

How Dr. Hera Tabassum’s Dr. Hera’s Skin & Hair Clinic Can Help You

If you’re experiencing excessive hair fall, seeking professional help is crucial. Dr. Hera Tabassum’s Dr. Hera’s Skin & Hair Clinic in Roorkee offers comprehensive solutions for hair and scalp issues.

Expert Diagnosis

Dr. Hera Tabassum specializes in diagnosing the root cause of hair fall. With a thorough examination and advanced diagnostic tools, the clinic can determine whether your hair loss is due to hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, stress, or other factors.

Personalized Treatment Plans

At Dr. Hera’s Skin & Hair Clinic, each patient receives a personalized treatment plan tailored to their specific needs. This may include medication, topical treatments, or lifestyle modifications to promote hair growth and reduce hair fall.

Hair Transplant in Roorkee

For those experiencing significant hair loss, the clinic offers advanced hair transplant procedures in Roorkee. This state-of-the-art treatment can help restore your hair and confidence by transferring healthy hair follicles to thinning or bald areas.

Ongoing Support and Care

Dr. Hera’s Skin & Hair Clinic provides continuous support and follow-up care to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment. Regular check-ups and adjustments to the treatment plan help in achieving optimal results.

Holistic Approach

Dr. Hera Tabassum believes in a holistic approach to hair care. The clinic not only focuses on treating hair fall but also on improving overall hair health through diet, stress management, and scalp care.


Detecting excessive hair fall early can help you address the problem more effectively. By monitoring your hairbrush, pillowcase, shower drain, and overall hair health, you can determine if you’re losing more hair than usual. If you’re concerned about hair loss, Dr. Hera Tabassum’s Dr. Hera’s Skin & Hair Clinic in Roorkee is here to help. With expert diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and advanced procedures like hair transplants, the clinic offers comprehensive solutions to restore your hair and confidence. Don’t wait—take the first step towards healthier hair today.

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