Get the best laser birthmark removal in Roorkee
laser birthmark removal in Roorkee: Birthmarks and congenital disabilities can result from several factors, including genetics, environment, and lifestyle. Every type of birthmark and every age group can benefit from our in-house spearhead Pulse laser therapy, which causes birthmarks to fade from the skin more quickly. Additionally, our Laser therapy effectively treats high-risk lesions like infantile hemangiomas.
Birthmarks are skin spots with atypically shaped, sized, and colored borders. They can appear anywhere on the skin and have been linked to health risks, particularly on the face or eyelids, where they could indicate eye or brain problems. Dr Hera Tabassum is a renowned dermatologist in Roorkee. He provides birthmark removal therapy at Dr Hera Tabassum’s Dr Hera’s Skin & Hair Clinic, his well-known skin facility.
If port wine birthmarks are not promptly treated, they may take on a dark color and enlarge over time. Recurrent infections, wounds, ulcers, and circulatory problems are all risks that they can increase. Some birthmarks naturally fade away completely, while others do not.
Birthmarks fall into one of four categories:
Hemangiomas: These birthmarks appear on newborns a few weeks after birth. Young children are most likely to develop these tumors, typically around the head and neck. It is unusual, though it might fade or disappear in a few months.
Seaweed Patches: Macular stains, also known as salmon patches, are mild discolorations that primarily affect infants. Usually, they develop on the neck’s back or upper eyelids. Patches on the upper eyelids mostly go away after the first year, but patches on the back do not.
Pigmentation-type Birthmarks can include moles, coffee cream, and Mongolian spots. An abundance of skin pigment brings coffee cream spots on, but they are not severe and don’t require any treatment. Mongolian spots typically range in color from flat grey to blue and naturally disappear within the first few years of a child’s life. Although moles usually don’t harm your health, they can eventually lead to cancer.
Vascular malformations are congenital disabilities caused by the atypical growth of blood vessels. These permeate the entire body and do not disappear.
Birthmark Identification and Care
The best course of action will depend on the type of birthmark. The first step is to get a pediatrician or facial plastic surgeon to diagnose the birthmark properly. Laser technology has proven to be a very effective treatment for birthmarks. A high-energy pulsing laser can precisely and successfully remove birthmarks.
The procedure is painless and requires no anesthesia. So there won’t be any discomfort or pain, just a light tingling.
Laser therapy can significantly lighten the dark tones and entirely even out the patterns of birthmarks, including coffee-cream birthmarks. Birthmarks with port-wine stains require intensive laser treatment, which can be had in Roorkee for a fair price from highly qualified medical staff.
Benefits of birthmark removal with laser therapy:
The length of laser treatment depends on the birthmark’s size, shape, and intensity and can range from a few minutes to several hours.
The procedures are typically performed during an appointment in a doctor’s office or the operating room, depending on the treatment intensity required.
There is no need for an overnight stay or a trip to the hospital.
After a birthmark is removed, the recovery time is rapid. There may occasionally be tenderness or bruising where the birthmark is, but this goes away in a week.
Minor bruising and tenderness at the birthmark site are possible, but they usually go away after a week.
Furthermore, there are hardly any risks connected to laser birthmark removal. Sometimes people will have uneven skin tone or dark spots on their skin. But most of these cosmetic risks can be removed with a second laser treatment.
Occasionally, the procedure may result in bleeding, scabbing, and bruising. Birthmarks are removed from patients for various reasons, ranging from dislike of their appearance to severe problems like an elevated risk of glaucoma or seizures.