Remove Eye bags
The eyes can be bothersome despite being one of the most attractive facial features due to their unsightly bulging and droopy, baggy appearance. Your personal and professional lives could be negatively impacted if you consistently appear sleepy or exhausted.
You must have tried every natural method to eliminate eye bags, but did you succeed?
Do you respond negatively? It’s time to put your worries to rest because we have the ideal solution for your issue.
The practical procedure of Blepharoplasty can rejuvenate your eyes in various ways.
This blog will concentrate on lower Blepharoplasty, also known as “eye bag surgery,” which is performed to remove the eye bags.
As people age, eye bags become more noticeable. Any person’s confidence will likely suffer if their under-eye bulges are thick and prominent. The eye bag removal procedure can help you achieve the desired facial aesthetics.
Extra, sagging skin under the eyes can be removed successfully with this procedure. It makes the area around it tighter, giving them a more alert and youthful appearance.
How is lower Blepharoplasty or surgery for eye bags carried out?
When the septum in front of the fat pockets weakens due to aging or other factors like genetics, excessive eye strain, etc., the result is the development of eye bags. The fat pockets in the lower eyelids protrude when the septum weakens, giving the area around the eyes an unsightly baggy appearance.
The eye bags are removed during the eye bag surgery procedure to make the area smoother.

There are two methods for making incisions to remove fat:
The scar is entirely undetectable because the incision is made inside the eyelid.
To remove the fat, an incision is made under the eye; a small scar is left behind but gradually fades.
Let’s now discuss some of the most rewarding benefits of Blepharoplasty or surgery for eye bags.
Results of Surgery for Eye Bags
Surgery is used to remove sagging skin around the eyes.
Removes unsightly eye bags and gives you a youthful, alert appearance.
Procedures in Combination with Lower Blepharoplasty
Lower Blepharoplasty, or eye bag surgery, can be used with another procedure to enhance outcomes.
It can be used with a mini-facelift to lift the midface slightly.
Injecting additional fat and rejuvenating the face and eyes with fat grafting can further improve the appearance. Fillers can also be used as an alternative.
Surgeons frequently combine Botox and lower Blepharoplasty to improve the overall outcomes for crow’s feet.
These various combination procedures are mainly used for periorbital rejuvenation, which improves the upper and midface’s overall appeal and gives a face a younger, fresher look.
Talk to your surgeon about combination procedures to make the most of your periorbital rejuvenation and eye bag surgery.
How long does recovery from surgery for eye bags take?
The healing process following Blepharoplasty is comparatively quicker than that following other types of procedures. You will be taken to a recovery room after the treatment. If there are no side effects, you will be released the same day after being watched closely for them.
It is best to take a few days off from work and relax. Pain and puffiness (temporary swelling) are possible; however, they usually go away in two weeks. During your recovery, your doctor might advise using ice packs and painkillers to alleviate these symptoms.
It would be beneficial if you consistently sought a skilled and qualified eye bag surgeon in Roorkee to obtain the best outcomes with no complications.
Your eyes can’t be changed in shape or size, but you can make them look more significant and prominent. Make an appointment with Dr Hera Tabassum, a board-certified skin specialist in Roorkee, if you’re also struggling with eye bags. Allow Dr Hera Tabassum’s magic to make your eyes look younger and brighter!