How to Manage Psoriasis Flare-Ups: Expert Tips and Treatments

As a dermatologist in Roorkee with extensive experience in treating psoriasis, I understand how challenging this chronic skin condition can be.

Psoriasis is more than just a skin issue—it affects a person’s overall well-being. The rapid build-up of skin cells leads to scaly, dry patches, which can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful.

While psoriasis can be managed effectively with the right treatment, flare-ups may occur due to various triggers such as stress, weather changes, or infections.

In this blog, I’ll share expert tips and treatments to help you manage psoriasis flare-ups and how my clinic, Dr. Hera’s Skin & Hair Clinic, offers specialized care for psoriasis patients.

Understanding Psoriasis and Its Triggers

Psoriasis is a condition in which the immune system causes skin cells to grow too quickly.

Under normal circumstances, skin cells mature in about 28-30 days, but in psoriasis, the process is accelerated, leading to the formation of scaly patches.

Managing psoriasis flare-ups

These plaques can appear on the scalp, elbows, knees, and other parts of the body.

Several factors can trigger or worsen psoriasis flare-ups, including:

  • Stress: Emotional stress is one of the most common triggers of psoriasis. Managing stress is key to controlling flare-ups.
  • Weather Changes: Cold, dry weather can dry out the skin and worsen psoriasis. On the other hand, excessive heat and sweating can also cause flare-ups.
  • Infections: Upper respiratory infections, such as strep throat, can be a catalyst for psoriasis flare-ups.
  • Medications: Certain medications like beta-blockers and antimalarials may exacerbate psoriasis symptoms.
  • Skin Injuries: Scrapes, cuts, or sunburns can lead to psoriasis plaques appearing at the site of injury (known as the Koebner phenomenon).

Recognizing these triggers is crucial for managing the condition effectively. Once you know your triggers, you can make informed decisions to prevent flare-ups.

Expert Tips for Managing Psoriasis Flare-Ups

Effective management of psoriasis requires a combination of self-care, lifestyle adjustments, and professional treatment. Below are some expert tips I recommend to my patients for managing flare-ups.

1. Moisturize Your Skin Regularly

Keeping your skin hydrated is essential for managing psoriasis. Dry skin can worsen the condition, making the plaques more pronounced.

Use a thick, fragrance-free moisturizer, especially after bathing when your skin is still damp. This helps lock in moisture and prevent further dryness.

2. Use the Right Topical Treatments

Topical treatments are often the first step in managing psoriasis. As a dermatologist in Roorkee, I tailor treatments based on the severity of the psoriasis. Commonly used treatments include:

  • Corticosteroids: To reduce inflammation and slow skin cell turnover.
  • Vitamin D Analogs: To help normalize skin cell production.
  • Coal Tar: To reduce scaling and itching.

It’s important to use these treatments under professional guidance to avoid side effects and ensure the right approach for your skin type and condition.

3. Take Lukewarm Baths with Epsom Salt

Soaking in a lukewarm bath with Epsom salt or colloidal oatmeal can be incredibly soothing for psoriasis-affected skin.

This helps relieve itching and calm inflammation. After the bath, apply a rich moisturizer to lock in the moisture and keep the skin hydrated.

4. Avoid Scratching

While it may be tempting to scratch psoriasis plaques, this can worsen the condition and lead to more inflammation. Scratching may also cause new lesions to appear.

If itching becomes unbearable, it’s important to consult with a dermatologist in Roorkee for alternative treatments that can help alleviate discomfort without worsening the psoriasis.

5. Manage Stress

Since stress is a significant trigger for psoriasis flare-ups, it’s essential to incorporate stress management techniques into your daily routine.

Regular exercise, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness practices can help reduce stress levels and minimize flare-ups. I always encourage my patients to find relaxation techniques that work best for them.

6. Consider Light Therapy

If topical treatments aren’t providing enough relief, light therapy (also known as phototherapy) may be an effective option.

Phototherapy uses ultraviolet (UV) light to slow down the rapid production of skin cells and reduce inflammation. At Dr. Hera’s Skin & Hair Clinic, I offer phototherapy to patients with moderate to severe psoriasis.

7. Follow a Healthy Diet

While diet alone cannot cure psoriasis, certain foods can reduce inflammation and improve symptoms.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

I also recommend avoiding processed foods and alcohol, as they can trigger flare-ups in some patients.

When to Seek Help from a Dermatologist in Roorkee?

If your psoriasis flare-ups are persistent, severe, or not responding to over-the-counter treatments, it’s time to consult with a dermatologist in Roorkee.

At Dr. Hera’s Skin & Hair Clinic, I specialize in providing personalized care for psoriasis patients.

Whether it’s topical treatments, phototherapy, or advanced systemic treatments, we offer the right solutions to help you manage the condition effectively.

If you’re dealing with persistent psoriasis flare-ups and need expert guidance, don’t hesitate to book a consultation with me.

I am committed to helping you find the best treatment plan for your skin condition and ensuring your well-being is a top priority.


Psoriasis flare-ups can be frustrating, but with the right treatment and care, they are manageable. Regular moisturizing, stress management, and the use of proper treatments are key to minimizing flare-ups.

If you’re struggling to manage your psoriasis or need personalized advice, reach out to me at Dr. Hera’s Skin & Hair Clinic.

As an experienced dermatologist in Roorkee, I will work with you to find the best solutions for your skin condition and help you live comfortably despite psoriasis.

Dr Hera’s Skin & Hair Clinic

Address: Dr Hera’s Skin & Hair Clinic, near Bank of India, Malviya chowk, Roorkee, Uttarakhand 247667

Phone No. +91 7060854824


Timings: 10:00 AM TO 09:00 PM

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